AghoraPashupatha Homam is the homam performed to drive away evil spirits and negative spells. ‘Aghora’ is one of the five forms of Lord Shiva and the name is derived from this. This homam is also performed only by professionally trained pandits since there are very sensitive issues handled here.
AghoraPashupatha Homam is the homam performed to drive away evil spirits and negative spells. ‘Aghora’ is one of the five forms of Lord Shiva and the name is derived from this. This homam is also performed only by professionally trained pandits since there are very sensitive issues handled here. Even minor deviations in conducting the homam can result in reverse effects harming the one performing the homam. It can be performed at home or in a temple.
The God invoked while performing AghoraPashupatha Homam is Lord Shiva in his Aghora form. Lord Shiva is a powerful deity and can bestow immediate benefits to His devotees. His intervention is also sought by some tantriks to cast spells on people. Lord Shiva’s Aghora form is then worshipped through the AghoraPashupatha Homam to remove the spells.
If you are running a business or any activity where your best efforts are being thwarted in the last minute and you feel some unknown element is causing this defeat, you should perform AghoraPashupatha Homam. It will help in removing those obstacles and you may find success returning to your ventures. If you know who or what is causing you the trouble, the AghoraPashupatha Homam can be performed by naming that entity and seeking to nullify the evil effects.
As mentioned, AghoraPashupatha Homam is a parihara ritual. The homam, when performed perfectly as per the rules laid down, can clear any doshas afflicting you. It can remove all obstacles caused due to evil spells etc.
Engage the best pandits from SwarnataraSpirituals to perform AghoraPashupatha Homam.