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Navagraha Homam

Navagraha refers to the nine planets The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planets represented by the snakes, Rahu and Ketu. In Tamil, these are called Suriyan, Chandran, Budhan, Guru, Shukran, Shani, Rahu & Ketu.



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What is Navagraha Homam?

Navagraha refers to the nine planets The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planets represented by the snakes, Rahu and Ketu. In Tamil, these are called Suriyan, Chandran, Budhan, Guru, Shukran, Shani, Rahu & Ketu. The belief is that the placement of these planets or grahas as they are called, can have a significant influence on the lives of people. Keeping all the nine grahas happy is important for an obstruction-free life, business or any other activity. Navagraha Homam is performed with this objective of pleasing the nine grahas.

Which God is Worshipped Through Navagraha Homam?

It is the nine planets or navagrahas who the Navagraha Homam is performed to please. The experienced pandit you have called from Swarnatara spirituals will know how the Navagraha Homam is to be performed. Apart from the homakund, there will be an arrangement with the nine planets represented by separately coloured pieces of cloth. There is a separate wholegrain (daanyam) for each graha. Pooja is performed to this arrangement and each of the nine grahas are invoked with special mantras to be presented and the Navagraha Homam is thus performed.

Why Should You Perform Navagraha Homam?

One of the most frequent occasions you will see Navagraha Homam being performed is while entering a new house or as part of grahapravesam. The objective here is any dosha present in the new place may be nullified through the pleasing of the grahas. This homam is also usually performed on the advice of an astrologer or an expert.

What are the Benefits of Navagraha Homam?

All negative vibes in the surroundings will be driven away when you perform Navagraha Homam. It benefits the whole family since the pandit will include the names and nakshatras of all family members during the homam and invoke the blessings of the grahas.

Avail the services of experts at Swarnatara spirituals to perform NavagahaHomam. Our trained and experienced team will handle it perfectly.

List of items needed for performing




Ashta dhiraviyam

Puffed Rice Nel pori

Mooligai Thiraviyam (Herbs)

Grains (9 Kinds)

Procedure involved

  • Turmeric Vinayaka pooja
  • Kalasa establishment
  • Sankalpam
  • Punyahavachanam - purification of all the things used in the Homa by mantra prayogas.
  • Kalasa Pooja
  • Navagraha suktha parayanam
  • Moola mantra japam of 9 planets
  • Agni karyam – Fire Establishment
  • Homa performed by chanting Moola mantra, veda mantra, Gayatri mantra on the diety with the prescribed count as per the agama Shastra.
  • Purna Ahuthi, samyojanam to the kalasa, dhoopa dheepam and upcharam.
  • Distribution of prasadha.
  • Ashirwadham



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